Monday, July 28, 2008

Show and tell

Hello everyone. How do you like your new computer lab? It is useful for your English to do as many things in English as possible. That includes exploring Internet English learning and using possibilities. I am happy for you to choose your own activity in the computer lab. You know best what you enjoy. But every week I shall try and make a suggestion.

Last week we ended up in the Mac Lab. We didn't get very far :-( But this week there ought to be less problems. Did some of you come today with photographs or a camera. If so, let's try and create morphs of you, your family and friends. You can see some more morphs below and also here. When you are ready, click on the link to the My Heritage site.

Your English task for today is talk with other people as much as you can about this activity. You could write about it too. For example, you could send me a comment.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Do you know what a morph is?

"Welcome back for semester 2" if you are returning. "Welcome" if you are new.

I'd like to give you something interesting to talk (and read) about. It is all about faces. Some people resemble other people, and today's topic will explain how you can do that.

A website that you can you can use is this one.
(at .

If there are pictures of faces on your computer, you can upload them to see which celebrities they look like. Let's see how it works.

First, you upload one photo that has a large front-facing face (or faces). Do that by clicking on the 'Browse' button and searching on your computer. Second, click the 'Run face recognition' button. Here is the picture that I chose.

And this is the celebrity I look like.

And you can also create a moving morph. Ask me if you wish to try that. This is what I mean below:

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities