Monday, October 29, 2007

Day 8 Tourism quiz

The good news this morning is that most of you have passed your assessment last week. The not-so-good news is that the next assessment will take place on the 8th November :-(

But, because we have been starting off everyday with listening dictation, you have been preparing for this assessment all along. With our tape - Being More Assertive - I shall demonstrate what will be expected of you.

We have a tourism quiz to take part in today, and that will involve more listening. Next, I really must get our reading programme off the ground.

In the computer suite (it's been two weeks since we were there) I would like you catch up with the websites I'm giving you. Work backwards and take a brief look at all of the links I've provided for you this term.

Tomorrow's topic will be about cows and sheep burping.

The site for the day is English

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