Monday, May 26, 2008

Ship or sheep

Hi All

Today I shall certainly pay you a visit in the computer lab. I'm well. I'm not on holiday. I am double-booked, so I can't spent the full hour with you, but I shall call by.

Today I have a site that Jean Monk told me about, called Ship or Sheep. Using this site will help you with your pronunciation of vowels. Maybe it will get quite noisy in the lab today!

I have bookmarked that website to my delicious account. This is a very convenient way for me to remember useful websites. Perhaps there is a student in the class who uses 'Delicious' too. If you want to join up it is free. I can help you if you like.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Essay writing

This week I was absent again - this time because of gall stones. But I shall continue to work! Some students are starting work on how to write an essay. I did a quick search and discovered three sites that look good.

  1. This site looks clear, short and simple.
  2. This is a basic guide that also looks good.
  3. Finally, this is a ten-step guide that also looks useful.
Take a quick look at all of them, but choose only one to study closely.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Sharing Slides

A couple of posts ago I first mentioned SlideShare. Here I've had a couple of goes at making a slide show myself. If you like, I could show you how to do this too.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

A good grammar site from Germany

Try this site if you like. Kwi-Ok, Hannah, Afsona enjoyed it.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Slide Show about Global Food

World's biggest photograph

Welcome back after your holidays. I was on holiday too. In fact, I will still be on holiday from this class, although I will come in and see you for a few minutes.

Today I have some reading for you to do. If you click here you will arrive at an interesting site with many interesting new stories. The story I would like you to read is about the world's largest photograph. It is larger than the picture above, which is the previous world's largest photograph.

When you are finished, please choose another story to read. There are 10 other stories listed underneath the words: Related Links. After you have read that story too, see what stories the other students in the class chose. Were they all different? (If there are more than 10 students in the class then they can't have been ;-)