Instead of printing your assignment on paper, you'll read what to do today in this post (we'll save trees in that way). We'll listen to a talk from Hugo Li at 9.30 a.m. also.
I would like you to write an opinion text. Choose one of the following topics:
- How is this term's class different from previously?
- What do you think about moving to Forth Street next term?
Write between 100 and 200 words. Concentrate on ideas and writing smoothly (don't stop to look up words in a dictionary, and don't question your grammar).
Then do a second draft, where you correct your work as much as you can. Choose a partner and read over one another's work. Suggest some improvements.
Finally, post your work to your blog. You may need to set it up if you haven't already done so. Terumi (wow, you have written a lot!), , George and Alice are up to date. Today I also recieved Hedi's blog address. And later Sao, Carol, Fauzia, David, , Chanthou, . . .
People who have left our class but who may still be active with their blogs include: Rekha, Bee...
Also, blogs from our alumni: Mami (who is my wife doing her PhD) and
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